copy of Generama
The Generama is the perfect tool to present your direct ascending genealogy up to 10 generations, and more!
The Generama is the perfect tool to present your direct ascending genealogy up to 10 generations, and more!
Starting from the subject shown on the tree’s base, the Generama allows you to go back in time thru generations.
It’s an ascending tree : the subject on the base is a contemporary, and the persons on the top of the tree (end of the branches) are the most distant ancestrals from the subject.
As a direct filiation, only the parents of each individuals are represented : brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, cousins have not their place on the Generama (except the brothers and sisters of the subject who can be informed).
"Pack Generama" includes additional sheets.
The extensions are pieces of paper witch extend the Generama : they are useful to present the generations beyond the 10th (until the 15th generation).
They are sold by set of 6 pieces : you can extend your Generama with 6 more branches as you want. It can be some older ones, patronymics branches as well, « nobles » branches or the one of some person you want to highlight...
If you have more than 6 branches for the 10 generations, you will need to buy more sets in the hypothesis you want to present everything.
Comme pour le premier colis, je tiens à vous féliciter pour la qualité de l'emballage et pour la rapidité des envois de commande. Bien sûr je vous félicite aussi pour la qualité du produit proposé
Je vous le recommande
Je viens de recevoir mon arbre Généramax . Livraison rapide, produit bien emballé, arbre très joli, sur feuille cartonnée et facile d'utilisation , pour ma part , j'ai fais le choix de le remplir manuellement ( j'aime bien écrire ). Je suis très satisfaite. Je vous le recommande .